• +91 9152202022
  • info@techtownsystems.com
  • Mumbai, India

Market Visit Support & Delegation to India

Business meetings with potential customers or partners in India are one of the best ways to successfully develop a business in the Indian market. Doing business with Indian companies requires understanding the Indian culture. In Indian business culture, having face-to-face meetings is key to building trust between the parties and furthering long-term relationships.

Need help setting up meetings with Indian companies? Do you come to India for meetings and want to make sure the meetings are effective and in line with the Indian business etiquette? Do you need local expert to help with the discussion and negotiation in India?

IBDAC specializes in coordinating meetings and assisting foreign companies in the Indian market. Our highly trained staff has experience in opening doors and setting up meetings with companies and entities that are difficult to reach.

Indian culture and business practices are very different from those known in the West. Even if the Indian side communicates well in the English language, there are still differences in the way in which business is developing successfully in India. It is very important to understand the nuances of communication between the parties and to act accordingly.

As part of our services we can assist and help with the following:

  1. Making initial contact with the Indian prospects in order to set up the meetings in India
  2. Background check of the companies before the meetings
  3. Communication management in Indian language with Indian prospects
  4. Coordinate and organize meeting schedules according to the locations of the meetings
  5. Providing advice and guidance on Indian culture and business practice
  6. Joining the meeting and assisting with the discussion and negotiation, including providing simultaneous translation services
  7. Logistics support including local transportation and accommodation booking
  8. Follow up support after the meetings with the Indian candidates

We offer our meetings set up and market visit support in India not only for single company but also for trade missions, business delegation and group of companies visit. We can prepare the full market visit in India, including business meetings set up with private and public sectors, seminars, site visits, translators, transportation and accommodation.

Even if you have already scheduled appointments in India, we recommend contacting us so that we can advise and assist as much as possible and thus maximize your visit. Our team has hundreds of hours of experience in meetings between Indian and foreign companies and we are confident that we can also help you get the most out of these meetings and your visit to India.